Butterfly weight loss secrets 6

Prepare meals ahead of time. To save time and have healthy options readily available, I suggest pre-making meals on one day that you set aside each week.

Butterfly weight loss secrets 6Yes, you may spend extra time on one specific day, but it will save you tons of time throughout the week. I like to pick one specific day like Sunday and make an event out of it. You can prepare several meals at a time and put them in the freezer. Make sure you label everything and you can even put cooking directions on the package so it can be made by anyone in the house.
I had a friend contact me one day and ask if I would make them some meals. Her husband had just gone to the doctor and was told he had to get his cholesterol down or he needed to be put on medication. I have to tell you at first I was very shocked. You see, no one in this family had a weight issue at all. In fact they are a very skinny family.
But you see looks can be deceiving sometimes. Just because someone is skinny, doesn't mean they are healthy! I told her I would make her 7 meals to last a whole week and I only spent 3 hours doing it. It ended up being a lot of fun. I made a menu, grocery list, went shopping, and got to cooking. I was able to make two things of chili in a crock pot, baked spaghetti, chicken pot pie, pot roast, and a shepherd’s pie. She was able to eat a whole week’s worth of healthy meals and I only spent 3 hours on making all those meals.
Another idea if you are not a good cook, is to find one of those places where you can go and make the meals there. It's really nice because they have all the recipes, ingredients, and you don't even need to dirty your kitchen. I have friends who will take their sons or daughter and make an adventure out of it. Just make sure you are keeping it healthy. Since you are making it, you have the freedom to keep it within your plan.

Butterfly weight loss secrets 5

Only shop once a week. I have to admit, this is something I must work on.
Butterfly weightloss secrets 5I tend to go to the grocery store more than once a week so I tend to over buy or impulse buy! When I walk up and down those isles, I can't help but be pulled to the chips or chocolates which are definitely not on my everyday eating plan. Don't get me wrong, food is not the enemy, but sometimes I am my own enemy
when I see tempting food!
If someone was struggling with another addiction, let’s say alcohol, you wouldn't suggest they hang out in bars or at liquor store would you? Hence the reason why I shouldn't be hanging in grocery stores. Food has been my addiction of choice since I was a little girl so the less time I am around the temptations, the more I succeed.
There have been studies that show the places the food is placed in the store in strategically there for a reason. Do you know they hire people to figure out how to get us "suckers" to buy what we are not wanting to and what is usually not on our list!
After I heard this, I looked at the grocery store with a clearer eye and noticed this was totally true. They put the high priced, tempting food at eye level so that is what we see first! They are so tricky. Now that you know this, only go once a week so you won't be tricked by them anymore!

Butterfly weight loss secrets 4

Butterfly weightloss secrets 4
Do it for the right reason. Make changes for yourself first; and then for those closest to you.

Nearly every day Suzy and I get an email from someone saying how they must get on The Biggest Loser because they want to lose weight for their kids or spouse. They list all of the things that they want to do for others but never say what they are going to do for themselves.

I tried going on a diet for other people lots of time. Someone would say something about my weight or ask me when I was going to do something about it and I would get crazy healthy for a solid week, sometimes even two. After that my motivation would fade. I didn’t really want to get healthy for myself.

Women seem to be one of the biggest offenders when it comes to taking time for themselves. My wife will go and go and go until I say something and even then she may not realize how much she is doing. (She probably does, but doesn’t say anything.) If we take care of ourselves first, we can better care for those around us.

We fly all the time; I pretty much have the whole pre-flight speech memorized.
“In the event of a loss in cabin pressure, a mask will fall from overhead. Be sure and secure your own mask before assisting others.” They know that if you fail to put your own mask on, you will not be able to to help anyone else. Who would have thought that you could get a valuable life lesson from the airlines?

Maybe that is why they charge us so much to fly!

In all seriousness, we need to allow ourselves the freedom to do what we need to in order to be our best. I love my family and in order for me to be the best I can for them, there are things that I need to do on a regular basis. One of those things is workout. When I don’t get my workouts in my attitude changes, my mannerisms change, I get a little out of sorts. All of these things affect more than just me. They affect my wife and my children and I want to strive to make sure that the things I do affect them positively rather than negative.

Butterfly Principle. Take care of yourself in order to take care of others even better

Butterfly weight loss secrets 3

Remember where you started. Don’t be afraid to look back and see how far you have come. Be proud and keep moving forward.
Butterfly weightloss secrets 3One of the things that Suzy and I took from The Biggest Loser Ranch was the full size cut-outs of us. They are in our garage and we see them every day when we walk through the garage. When you see how different you look, it makes it easier to appreciate what you have done.

I was once at a speaking event and this college age guy came walking up to me and asked if he could get a picture with me. One of the first things I noticed about this young man was that his clothes were literally hanging off him.
He proceeded to tell me that he had lost almost 200 pounds but that he didn’t feel like he looked any different.

I told him the first thing he needed to do was go get some new clothes. This guy had lost a ton of weight but didn’t feel any different. He still saw the old him when he looked in the mirror. I would guess a lot of it was because he was still wearing the same clothes he wore when he was over 400 pounds! It is important to allow yourself to transform. Many times we want to make changes yet we still want to hold onto some of our old destructive or negative habits.

I grew up in Iowa. I loved it there and appreciate the way I was brought up. After the show when Suzy and I decided to get married we had to discuss where we would live. I knew that the best move for me personally would be to go to Washington. I had just undergone drastic changes on The Biggest Loser and I knew that there was a good chance if I stayed in Iowa I would fall back into some of my old habits.

Knowing where I started helped me to realize that in order to continue to be successful I needed to make some tough decisions. It was difficult to move; all of my friends and family, as well as everything I had known were in Iowa, but it was worth it. I am still on track today and living a life that I had never even begun to dream of. Don’t be afraid to make big positive changes in your life.

Butterfly weightloss secrets 2 | Get a physical

Butterfly weightloss secrets 2Butterfly weightloss secrets 2 | Get a physical
Before beginning any diet and exercise program you should go doctor about whether you are ready to continue. You'd be hard pressed to Find a health professional that does not encourage the healthy to get through nutrition and exercise.

Is essential to know what is going on inside your body. Before you start all the nutrition and exercise program should consult your doctor. By so you can actually find out where to start. If you are the most walked the last ten years has been on the couch from the refrigerator, it is probably Not a good idea to enroll in a 5K race in the first week to start working on it. A doctor can see if you need help in their way.

A doctor may also be able to help you get pointed in the right direction when it
comes to how you should be exercising. I don’t want to knock personal trainers, but way too many of them have a one size fits all philosophy. If you are working with a trainer make sure that they have worked with and had success working with severely overweight people. If you are slim and are looking to build muscle, make sure they have had success doing that.
If it is not working out with a trainer you hire, fire them. They work for you and
you hired them to help you achieve results. I would also recommend asking if you can watch them train someone. I have seen trainers who do the same routine with every client they have. If you notice this with your trainer, get a new one.

Back to doctors, doctors get paid a lot because they are trained to help us save
our lives. Make sure you are honest with your doctor. When I was obese I had some things going on that I didn’t really want to share, but in order to be treated properly and begin the road back to health you need to get brutally honest and one of the first places to start is at the doctor’s office.

Butterfly principle: Before getting physical, get a physical!

Butterfly Weight Loss Secret #1

Butterfly Weight Loss

Butterfly Secret #1

Get inspired. Look to others who have done what you are trying to do.
The Biggest Loser inspires millions of people on a weekly basis.
have always said that anyone could get the same results we did if all they had to do was workout and eat right. Most of us don’t have the luxury of taking a nine month sabbatical from our lives to focus on our weight. We have jobs, families, bills, and the list goes on of our various responsibilities. Guess what. People just like us, people in real situations and real life circumstances get healthy and lose weight every day.
If you look around, I bet you can find real life inspiration rather close to you. Watch them closely, ask questions, and even imitate their good traits. I love to read the stories in magazine about people who have transformed their lives on their own. There is a guy in our neighborhood that has been walking for the past few years. I don’t know his name, but I see him everyday rain or shine.
We live in Seattle so I emphasize the rain part.
He wears reflective clothing and is out there. He has lost at least 100 pounds.
This guy that I don’t even know inspires me. Even cooler is the fact that he has no idea. I think it is a good idea to be inspired by others but it is an even better idea to be other’s inspiration. People are watching you and are looking for that inspiration to make changes in their own life. Don’t be afraid to take the lead and inspire others. Who knows, just like the guy in our neighborhood you may inspire someone you have never met.
YouTube is a great place to find inspirational stories. YouTube is full of silly videos. There are just as many great ones too. If you ever feel like there is something you can’t do, check out Dick and Rick Hoyt on YouTube. If you aren’t inspired after watching their story check your pulse then grab a bag of chips and lay back down on the couch because nothing will inspire you to get up and get moving if their story doesn’t.
Butterfly Principal. Be inspired by others but more importantly, don’t be afraid to inspire others yourself!

What is Butterfly Weight Loss?

Butterfly Weight LossWhat is Butterfly Weight Loss?
Do you think “hard work” is the REAL Secret to losing weight? If you’re like most people, you’re answer would be a resounding, “Yes!” You see, many people have been told their whole lives that "working hard" is the real secret to weight loss success.
I've got news for you... it's NOT!
Hard work may be important when it comes to losing weight, but it's NOT the secret. Think about it: If hard work were the secret to losing weight and getting fit, then everyone on ANY diet would be skinny. So there's something more that's missing from this equation - but what is it?
You see, the “big secret” to permanent weight loss is making very small changes over a long period of time, not from a fad “crash diet” that’s impossible to stick with.
We both know more about crash dieting then almost anyone on the planet. In fact, a few years ago you may remember seeing us when we lost a combined 257 pounds during the crash-diet TV show, "The Biggest Loser."
Matt and Suzy Hoover. Winner and 3 rd place contestant on the Season 2 BBC
But just like you, when the diet stopped, so did our weight loss, and it started to come back quickly. Now, if this sounds at all like you, then I've got GREAT news!
It’s Not Your Fault!
You see, the reason you’re constantly failing at dieting is because all the diets out there require you to make HUGE lifestyle changes overnight. In other words you’re expected to have to quit your favorite habits that have been ingrained for YEARS “cold turkey” and create new ones. Things likeB
  • Staying away from fast food places like McDonalds and Burger King
  • Working out at least 3 times a week for at least 1 hour a day
  • Eat boring foods like vegetables, chicken each and every meal
  • Cutting out whole food groups (ever tried NOT eating bread for weeks?)
  • Suffocating your “sweet tooth” while driving by Ben and Jerry’s
  • And on and onB
And you’re expected to change ALL these habits OVERNIGHT! Diets like Atkins, South Beach, and the Zone Diet preach implementing DRASTIC changes in your lifestyle and advocate “working hard” to lose
weight. These programs are literally setting you up to fail, which is no wonder that: 99.1% Of Americans FAIL at diets because it’s like trying to float upstream without a paddle.
Now don’t get me wrong: You CAN lose weight with these plansBthat is, if you have superhuman strength and will power. Or if you have 5-7 hours a day to exercise and professional chefs cooking meals on a reality TV show. But for most of us who have a REAL life and have other interests, you’re essentially setting yourself up for a HUGE disappointment. I’m sure you’ve been there: You throw out all your “junk food”, go grocery
shopping and take 2-3 hours to prepare your meals for the week, set your alarm clock to get to the gym by 6am to do your workout.
“This time is the first day of the rest of my life!!” you tell yourself as you imagine a fitter, happier you. But then real life sets in. You’ll be fine for 1-2 weeks and then you start to fall off course. One workout gets skipped, you give in at the buffet table when you go out to lunch with your buddies, and you just tell yourself, “I’ll get back on track tomorrow.”
But you never do. It’s like a snowball rolling down a snowy mountainBit gets bigger and bigger until it gets large enough that you cannot stop it. You revert to your old eating habits and let your gym membership expire.
The worse part is the psychological effects
You start to feel like a failure, that you’ll always be “fat” and start justifying your heaviness by telling yourself, “Hey, everyone gains weight when they get older!” But you just don’t want to start another diet because deep down inside you know you’re just going to FAIL again!
Believe it or not, we’ve been there. After the biggest loser was over, we got home from the Ranch, and had time to get back into the real world, we did what everyone else does. We started to slip back into our old patterns and started gaining weight again.
Now, if you think it's hard for you when you start to gain weight, just image what we had to go through. We were on national TV, shows like the Today Show and Oprah with the whole world judging every pound we gained!
It was about that time that we started looking at the patterns in our lives. We started noticing little things we were doing that were contributing to our weight gain. These weren't drastic things like if we ate doughnuts or broccoli...
I mean very little things, like the size of our plates and how they contributed to how much food we ate.
We started making little changes and kept notes on how these things affected our overall weight loss or gain. It seemed like every time we found a negative pattern, we'd find a simple way to break those patters and immediately we'd see huge results on the scale!
It was amazing and reminded me of something I had read years before called The Butterfly Effect.
The concept behind the butterfly effect is that a little action (like a butterfly flapping its wings) can cause HUGE effects (like a tsunami across the ocean).
This reminded me of these little things we were adding into our lives. Little Butterfly Weight Loss Secrets that caused HUGE effects on the scale! Over the past 2 years we have put together 101 of these little secrets that until now have been just that... our little SECRETS! Butterfly Weight Loss Secrets consists of 101 small changes you make in your daily routine, one-by-one, that can result in HUGE weight loss. Most of these small changes you’ll barely notice—which makes transitioning into an healthier lifestyle a LOT easier.
Copyright 2010 butterfly weight loss. All rights reserved.