Butterfly Secret #8 Drink at least one glass of water before you eat

Butterfly weightloss secrets 5
Drink at least one glass of water before you eat
A lot of these tips should actually be called tricks! I like to trick my body so that it will act how I want it to and not even know it!
One way of doing this is to be drinking plenty of water especially before you eat.
You see, if you fill up your stomach right before a meal, you won’t have as much room to fill it with food. I even suggest to sip on water in between bites so
you not only take a break between bites, but to keep filling your stomach with liquid and not with over eating!

The extra water you drink will actually act as an appetite suppressant. With the extra water in your stomach, you will feel fuller faster!
A lot of people struggle with water because they don’t like the taste.
Sometimes when trying to live healthier, you just need to suck it up and do things to do them! (I’m sure I will tell my sons this someday when it comes to doing their homework!) But also, there are great things out there to try to make water taste better.
They make all those great flavor enhancers very convenient and easy to use.
You open up the pack and pop it into your water. Or there is always the good old fashioned lemon in the water. I have friends who even use limes or oranges! Get creative and try some water.
Now for those of you who want to know the technical business, here you go: Water is essential for your kidneys to function. If your kidneys are functioning at their best, they receive assistance from your liver. One of your liver's functions is to metabolize fat.
So, if your liver is lending a hand to your kidneys, your fat metabolism process
is not going to be working the best, and therefore not metabolizing your fat the
best! Drats! We need that fat to be metabolizing for sure.
It’s just like in a business. We want to make sure that our processes are working as efficiently as possible to reduce costs (fat) and increase the profits so all of our hard work is paying off.
This is why it is so important to drink plenty of water to help weight loss - to keep the process that metabolizes our fat process running as efficiently as possible. Therefore reducing our costs (fat)!!
Here is a list of other health benefits water has:
  • regulates body temp 
  • lubricates the joints 
  • removes waist 
  • ensures proper digestion 
  • maintains healthy skin tone 
  • reduces water retention 
  • and overall helps the whole body function and its most optimum level
therefore burning optimum fat!

Butterfly Secret #7 Park far away in parking lots

Butterfly weightloss secrets 5Park far away in parking lots
I think this is something we may have heard over and over, but never do. I think every time I have heard someone talk about health or losing weight they tell me this simple tip, but I seem to forget it.

Why is it so hard to do?
What is funny is that we will even pay money to park closer to things we are going to or stores we want to be at.
One thing that really opened my eyes to the effect of a few extra steps was when I was given a pedometer. I am a very busy mom and I think that I walk tons of steps. Well, once I put on that pedometer, I realized that I am not walking as much as I thought.
Wearing that crazy pedometer challenged me to walk more. One way is parking far away in a parking lot! So simple but so true. If we add a few steps each day, those will add up over the week, month, and at the end of the year, we will have taken off a couple pounds just by parking further away in the lot.
Just the other day I was at one of my favorite stores, Target. I pulled in and started circling the lot just like everyone else. This was a busy day and there was hardly any spots open and the ones that were already had people waiting to zoom in.
I have to say, I noticed a very large “beater” car circling and circling looking for the closest spot. Yes, I have to say the man was very over weight and didn’t look like he cared much about his health.
He was alone and didn’t look like he needed to be up front. I went to the back because I didn’t want to waste time looking for a spot and my boys were defiantly ready to get out of the car.
I parked near the shopping carts, grabbed one, loaded up my boys and started my trek into the store. With all of that, I still beat the man who was still circling looking for a closer spot.

After I saw that, I decided I will not be him! I will head to the back and promote a healthy habit for not only me but my 2 boys.
Did you know if you would like to burn a pound that means you must burn 3500 calories. You may burn an extra 50-75 calories each time you shop just by parking in the back. Give it a try. I know I will be doing it.
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